$15.00 for the set Free shipping

Exploration of Tuscan Reds

Full-size bottles accompanied by an expert-guided 50 min tasting video.

How it works

Sure, there is Chianti, but Toscana offers many more delicious possibilities - some based like Chianti on the Sangiovese grapes, but offering quite different styles. Why not spend an afternoon or evening with SippyBee exploring these classic wines.

Explore the many aromas of Tuscany’s wine country from Emilia-Romagna to Florence. Virtually traveling along beautiful hillside roads through vineyards, olive groves and cypress trees discover amazing tastes of Italian red wines.

In the Exploration of Tuscan Reds wine tasting video Richard Vayda discovers different flavors of the Sangiovese grape. This Exploration of Tuscan Reds wine tasting would be a great gift for lovers of robust yet sour cherries wines.

Reasons to Choose This Tasting Set:

  • Learn Italian wine regions
  • Acquire a taste for red wine
  • Compare different wine tastes
  • Best virtual wine tasting of Italy
  • Wine tasting for 2 - 4 people
  • 3 great wines in the package
  • Richard Vayda Explains the same wines in presentation
  • Free Shipping

List Price $140.00 Deal $15.00

Wine tasting WineCopilot Exploration of Tuscan Reds

Richard Vayda

Presented Director of Wine Studies

Richard Vayda, a celebrated expert with over 35 years in the wine and gastronomy world, is a connoisseur shaped by his Italian heritage. His early exposure to homemade winemaking ignited a lifelong passion for wine and food. Academically, Vayda boasts a master’s degree in Foodservice Management from NYU and has studied at The Sorbonne in Paris, further enriched by a certification from The Sommelier Society of America. His dedication to the field is evident in his extensive travels to major winemaking regions worldwide, enhancing his understanding of global wine cultures. In addition to his academic pursuits, Vayda is an accomplished entrepreneur, having opened and operated various dining venues in Connecticut and New York, including restaurants, cafés, and lounges. Currently, he is at the forefront of wine education, leading classes and courses at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York City. His broad experience in both culinary and wine industries positions him as not just an expert, but a venerated figure among wine and food enthusiasts.


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